Teaching Is Tiring (And Worth It)
Jun 29, 2021One time in 6th hour I said, “Man I’m tired.”
A kid looked at me and said, “Teachers always say they’re tired.”
Yep, grading 160 papers within a week is tiring.
Composing and giving an original, 20 minute-long memorized speech in front of 30 people, 6 times a day, every day, 180 days a year, is very tiring.
Especially when your speech is competing with iPhones, laptops, and Fortnite.
It’s tiring when parents tell you how to do your job.
And having to hold your bladder for an hour is tiring.
Stopping bullying is tiring.
So is feeling like you have to bring your best energy to work every single day.
Or feeling like politicians think you’re a waste of resources
And the media thinks you’re a glorified babysitter.
Cleaning up finger paint, glitter, and vomit is tiring.
Teaching discipline to 12 boys is tiring
Parent teacher conferences are tiring.
It’s tiring seeing kids come to your class hungry and tired themselves.
Reporting abuse is tiring.
Teaching grammar to a generation of texters and Tweeters is tiring.
So is prepping kids for tests that will decide their future.
Renewing your license every few years to keep your job is tiring.
The month of May is tiring.
So is being trusted to help shape the future hundreds of young people.
Chaperoning dances, coaching soccer, professional development, writing lesson plans, 20 minute lunches, standing up all day, being stern, being goofy
Is tiring.
Being a teacher is tiring.
But when a student shows you their first college acceptance letter,
Or reads for the first time,
Or realizes the immense power of their words,
Or stands up to a bully in the hallway,
Or sits with the lonely kid at lunch,
Or geeks out about the ending of a novel,
Or bursts through the door of your classroom one morning to tell you they know what they want to do someday,
Or learns from their failure,
Or can finally solve ‘an impossible’ equation,
Or starts believing in themselves right before your eyes,
Or returns to your class years later to thank you,
Being tired—- is worth it.
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